Best Ways to Lose Weight for Women over 50

Hello ladies, welcome to my world. I am Alice and I am a 50 something woman. I want to let you know what the best ways for you to lose weight are. So here, I am going to cover three of the key aspects for you to consider.

Why do you want to lose weight?

The first thing you want to do is to make sure that you know why you want to get in shape. The answer to this question will help you see which route you want to go down.

Is it because you are heavy and want to feel confident in a bathing suit?
Is it because you want to stay in good shape so you can keep up with your kids and grandkids?
Is it because you feel tired all the time and need a change?
Or do you want to get your figure back so that you can have a sex life?
You need to be able to answer this question to clearly because you need to know what you want to achieve, and how, so that you stay motivated and on track.

If you only want to be heavier, think back on why you started and remind yourself why you stopped. Find the motivation that you started with and try to recapture it. Again, remember that weight loss is not a “quick fix”, it is a lifestyle change.

When you reach your goal, maintain it.

Healthy Living is the Answer

Well, a healthy lifestyle is the key to weight loss. It is going to be a lot less stressful, and healthier if you make sure that you are eating well. Food is the fuel for your system. If you don’t eat right, your body is not going to be energized properly and you will struggle.

Portion Control is Crucial

When you eat, you should eat what you need and not more. This will keep you from getting fat and also ensure that you don’t overeat. When you are hungry, your body will be sending you signals so pay attention to them. If you aren’t hungry, then don’t eat. Don’t make yourself eat out of boredom. You need to eat because your body needs nourishment.

Break the Habit

There is no point in trying to eat healthfully if you aren’t going to stick with it. This is something you are going to need to keep working on.

Thus, if you are in the habit of eating a doughnut for breakfast, then you need to get out of that habit. This is going to be hard, but you need to work on it.

Weight Loss is a Mind Game

You are going to feel the urge to eat all the time, especially in the first few months. You have to keep reminding yourself that as long as you keep the habit going, you WILL lose weight.

On this occasion, I want to remind you that this is not a diet. This is a lifestyle change. You are going to eat more healthily, and you are going to exercise more.

This is not a short-term thing. You are going to be making changes for the rest of your life.

Think Healthy

This may seem like a no-brainer but you need to ensure that when you are thinking about food, you keep it healthy.

Moreover, if you are not thinking about food, you are not going to want to eat it. You have to keep the healthy food at the forefront of your mind.

You need to think about the types of food that you are going to be eating and make sure that you eat foods that are going to keep you healthy and energized.

Stop Drinking Soda

Soda is fizzy water with added sugar. Stop drinking it. Plain water, or even better still, herbal tea, are much healthier. Try substituting it with a glass of water with a slice lemon in it, or some herbal teas.

This is going to be a lifestyle change, and it is going to take some time to get used to.

Eat with Intention

You need to decide in advance, what you are going to eat. It is a good idea to eat breakfast in the morning as this will set you off on the right track for the day. Avoid the processed foods as much as you can, they are full of added sugar. Think fresh, raw, organic. Good fats such as nuts, seeds and avocados will keep you going and keep you feeling satisfied.

For example, if you are going to have a bowl of cereal, make sure that it is going to be a healthy bowl of cereal. If you are going to have a glass of orange juice, make sure that it is going to be an orange juice that is full of nutrients.

Eliminate the Junk

Doughnut with Sprinkles
Doughnut with Sprinkles

You should also avoid processed foods, again, these are full of added sugar and preservatives. Buy fresh, cut out the “junk”. If you want a snack, grab a healthy snack, not a bag of crisps or a chocolate bar.

Unquestionably, avoid these things.

You should also be avoiding the “junk” in your house. Make sure that you are throwing out the unhealthy food and replacing it with healthier options.

Keep Your Eye on the Prize

When you look in the mirror and are disgusted with your reflection, remind yourself why you are trying to lose weight. Think of the feeling you are going to feel, when you want to go out in your favorite bikini. Think about what you are going to feel after the first few trips to the pool, in your favorite bathing suit.

Find the Right Personal Trainer

Work out with the right trainer. Somebody that will work with you and help you lose weight at a pace that is manageable for you.

I have worked with people who have lost weight at the rate of a kilo a week, and I have worked with people who have lost weight at the rate of a kilo a month.

You need to find somebody that will work with you and help you to lose weight at a pace that is going to be manageable for you.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

Surrounding yourself with people who will encourage you to succeed is essential to your long term success. People that will boost you up when you are feeling down.

A great way to make sure that you are surrounded by positive people is to join a gym or a fitness class. This will help you to find like-minded people.

It Will Be Hard, But Worth It

I know that when I look at myself, I am not happy with my appearance. I need to work harder on myself until I do feel better about myself. This is something that everybody needs to do, lose weight for you and for your confidence.