Why is Walking a Good Form of Exercise?

Walking is one of the most natural exercises you can undertake. It is low impact, burns calories and tones your body. But it is one of the hardest types of exercise to perform for many people. They find that their legs ache and are not as amenable to movement as they want them to be. As a result, many people are not walking as much as they should or desire to be.

Is walking a good form of exercise?

Well, it depends. If you are not moving at all, you are not burning calories. And when you stop moving, you are taking yourself out of a calorie deficit and putting yourself into a caloric surplus. So it is very important to make sure that you keep moving in order to lose weight and keep your body in good shape.

However, many do not get the benefits of walking because they just don’t set aside time to move around. But you don’t have to worry about this. You can still get the same benefits from walking, but you have to set aside time every day to do it. It doesn’t have to be an hour and a half. Just 15 minutes a day or a few minutes a week is all that is necessary.

You Can Get Started Anywhere

You can start walking anywhere with a little room. This includes the grocery store, the mall, the park, the beach, your car or your office. And you can vary the places you walk to as well. You might walk while you are commuting to work or you might walk while you are on vacation.

Set Aside Time to Walk

It is best to set aside a certain time each day that you will walk. Don’t do it on the days that you won’t be doing anything. That is just not going to help. The key is to find a place where you can walk without really thinking about it. This is much better than a gym.

Don’t Go Overboard Right Away

Also, try to keep your sessions short. You don’t want it to be so long that it becomes boring. If it is, then you will most likely not get very far. So keep it short and enjoyable.

Enjoy the Sun & Fresh Air

Finally, if you are like most people, you would probably rather get out of the house and take a walk instead. Taking a brisk walk in the sun with the fresh air in your lungs is definitely a good way to start off your day.

Another good thing to do is to plan a route that you can walk. A route that includes a store, the beach or other such locations is a great way to start your exercise routine.

Take It Seriously

Of course, don’t expect to get any results if you do not treat it seriously. You should not treat it like a leisure activity. It should become a hobby and one that you will enjoy doing. Once you do, you will find that walking can be a great addition to your lifestyle.

Consider Investing in Equipment

It’s all about time vs money. If you have a limited budget, it may be wiser to invest in an activity bike instead of an expensive treadmill. While a treadmill has many advantages (low impact workout, ability to run/walk at different paces), a bike will allow you to ride around the neighborhood and be exposed to the fresh air in your environment.

In addition, you can increase your fitness level without taking too much time out of your day with traveling.

Walking is Great if You are New to Exercise

Next, you need to consider your fitness level. If you are new to physical activity, is walking a good form of exercise? The key to this question is that it depends entirely on you.

For some, the idea of being on a treadmill or working out on a elliptical machine is completely alien. For others, even very experienced runners or bikers enjoy these activities.

Make Sure You are Physically Fit

Finally, you need to consider your own physical capabilities. This is especially important if you suffer from any physical limitation, such as arthritis or a spinal injury.

You should always consult with your doctor before beginning any new fitness regimen. It may be wise to stick to walking and mild exercise rather than jogging or running.

Walking is a Good Form of Exercise

Walking is a good form of exercise. It does not require much stamina or endurance, you can get started while taking it easy. Also, you should consider your own physical capabilities and your doctor’s recommendations.

If you do not have a lot of money to spend on fitness equipments, it might be a good idea to start out with a simple walk a day and then work up to more vigorous walking. By keeping these factors in mind, you should find that walking is a great way to stay healthy and fit.